

Reconstructing social mixing patterns via weighted contact matrices from online and representative surveys. Scientific Reports (Nature) 12, 4690 (2022)

The Volume and Tone of Twitter Posts About Cannabis Use During Pregnancy: A Scoping Review Protocol. JMIR Research Protocols 11(3), e34421 (2022)

Phys. Rev. Research 4, L022047 (2022)







Computational Studies of Human Dynamics
Hungarian Academy of Sciences (2024)


Computational Human Dynamics
Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon (2019)


Cooperative behaviour in complex systems. (Ph.D. thesis).
University of Szeged, Université Joseph Fourier, Institut Néel-CNRS
Supervisors: Prof. Iglói Ferenc, Dr. J.-Ch. Anglés d’Auriac
e-print: (2009)


Nonequilibrum phase transitions on complex networks (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Prof. Iglói Ferenc
University of Szeged,  Department of Theoretical Physics (2005)

Physical description of the trumpet sound (in Hungarian)
Supervisor: Vidovszky László
University of Pécs,  Institute of Medial Arts (2006)


Institut Néel, CNRS-Grenoble (December 2007, Grenoble – France), Title: Complex Networks

Department of Theoretical Physics – University of Szeged (May 2009, Szeged – Hungary), Title: Cooperative behaviour in complex systems

INAC-L_Sim CEA-Grenoble (July 2009, Grenoble – France), Title: Nonequilibrium dynamics of the triangular antiferromagnetic Ising model at T=0

Helsinki University of Technology (September 2009, Espoo Finland), Title: Cooperative Behaviour in Complex Networks

BarabasiLab – Northeastern University (November 2009, Boston, MA, USA), Title: Communication sequences and temporal correlations in a mobile communication network

Department of Psychology – University of Warsaw (December 2009, Warsaw, Poland), Title: Temporal Correlation Patterns in Mobile Phone Call Networks

Saïd Business School – University of Oxford (March 2010, Oxford, UK), Title: Analysis of temporal and spatial patterns in mobile phone data

INFSO – EU Commission (November 2010, Brussels, Belgium), Title: Small but slow world

BarabasiLab – Northeastern University (December 2010, Boston, MA, USA), Title: Bursty correlations in communication networks

ISI Foundation (March 2011, Torino, Italy), Title: Circadian pattern and burstiness in human communication activity

Skype Research (March 2011, Tallin, Estonia), Title: Small but slow world

Institute of Physics – Budapest University of Technology and Economics (September. 2011, Budapest, Hungary), Title: Correlations in bursty time series: from human communications to earthquakes

MoBS – Norheastern University (February 2012, Boston, MA, USA), Title: Correlated Dynamics of human interactions

BECS – Aalto University (January 2013, Espoo, Finland), Title: Modelling adoption dynamics of online services

STACC-Microsoft/Skype Labs – University of Tartu (March 2014, Tartu, Estonia)

IXXI – ENS Lyon (May, 2013, Lyon, France), Title: Dynamique des interactions humaines

BECS – Aalto University (March 2014, Espoo, Finland)

RESCOM Summer School – Invited Lecturer (May 2014, Furiani, Corsica, France)

TNetSphys’14 – NetSci’14 Symposium (June 2014, University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA)

CITI Lab – INSA Lyon (June 2014, Lyon, France)

Complex Networks and Dynamics – ICCSA’14 Satellite meeting (June 2014, Le Havre, France)

INRIA UCOOL workshop (October 2014, INRIA Headquarter, Paris,


Institute of Research and Development (October 2014, Bondy, Paris, France)

Center for Network Science – Central European University (November 2014, Budapest, Hungary)

Department of Theoretical Physics – University of Szeged (November

2014, Szeged, Hungary)

Electronics Engineering Department – Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María (April 2015, Valparaíso, Chile)

Laboratoire de Reproduction et Développement des plantes and CBP Centre Blaise Pascal – ENS Lyon (April 2015, Lyon, France)

Higher Order Models – NetSci’15 Satellite meeting (June 2015, Zaragoza, Spain)

Cecam 2015: Recognizing the relevance of change: Analysis and control of time-evolving networks in epidemiology and evolution – Free University Berlin (July 2015, Berlin, Germany)

MARAMI 2015 (October 2015, Nîmes, France)

DPCN 2016 (January 2016, Wroclaw, Poland)

Mechanisms underlying local to global signals in networks (19 May 2016, Lyon, France)

Higher Order Models in Network Science, NetSci’16 Satellite (30 May 2016, Seoul, Korea)

Social Connectome, NetSci’16 Satellite (30 May 2016, Seoul, Korea)

SocioNet’16 workshop ENS Lyon (8 June 2016, Lyon, France)

Coarse-graining of Complex Systems, CCS’16 Satellite, (21 September 2016, Amsterdam, The Netherlands)

BURSTINESS in human behaviour and other natural phenomena, CCS’16 Satellite, (21 September 2016, Amsterdam, The Netherlands)

PhD course on Network Science Uppsala University, Department of Information Technology, (18 November 2016, Uppsala, Sweden)

RIO 2017 Summer School on Computer Science, University of Rio Cuarto, (13-18 February 2017, Rio Cuarto, Argentina)

PhD Course on Network Analysis and Applications, IMéRa – Aix-Marseille University, (9 April 2017, Marseille, France)

Higher Order Models in Network Science, NetSci’18 Satellite (12 June 2018, Paris, France)

Art, Networks and Technology, NetSci’18 Satellite (12 June 2018, Paris, France)

BrainTime workshop, Institut de Neurosciences de la Timone (18 September 2018, Marseille, France)

Language Seminar Series, Laboratoire d’Informatique de Grenoble (20 September 2018, Grenoble, France)

Op-La-Dyn workshop, CCS’18 Satellite (26 September 2018, Thessaloniki, Greece)

Complex systems for the most vulnerable – UNICEF workshop, CCS’18 Satellite (27 September 2018, Thessaloniki, Greece)

SpaceNet workshop, CCS’18 Satellite (27 September 2018, Thessaloniki, Greece)

Workshop on Urban Computing and Society - LNCC (28 November 2018, Valparaiso, Brazil)

Lecture in the Business Analytics and Data Mining MSc program - Bocconi University (7 March 2019, Milano, Italy)

Complex System Academy - Université de Côte d’Azure (25 March 2019, Nice, France)

YEP XV - Information Diffusion on Random Networks - TU/e, EUROSTAT (27 April 2019, Eindhoven, The Netherlands)

Lectures about Artificial Intelligence - EM Lyon Business School - AIM Institute (4 April 2019, Lyon, France)

MOTIF Conference on Human Dynamics - Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (10 April 2019, Belo Horizonte, Brazil)

UNICEF Innovation seminar - UNICEF Innovation Office - United Nations (4 June 2019, New York, NY, USA)

MédiaLab seminar - SciencePo Paris (25 June 2019, Paris, France)

AGRANDA Simposio Argentino de Ciencia de Datos Grandes Datos - 48 JAIIO (17 Septemner 2019, Salta, Argentina)

Kickoff meeting of the DYNASNET Synergy ERC project - Central European University (23 September 2019, Budapest, Hungary)

Dondena Seminar Series- Bocconi University (14 October 2019, Milano, Italy)

Agglomeration and Social Networks Seminar - MTA Center for Economic and Regional Studies (8 November 2019, Budapest, Hungary)

BigData and Mobility Workshop - University of Havana (25-26 November 2019, La Havana, Cuba)

Data Driven Modelling of Spreading Processes - Alfréd Rényi Institute (4 May 2020, Budapest, Hungary)

Dynamics On and Of Complex Networks, NetSci 2020 satellite workshop (18 September 2020, Rome,Italy/online)

Wigner Seminar Series - Wigner Research Centre for Physics (5 October 2020, Budapest, Hungary)

Magyar Tudomány Ünnepe - Hungarian Academy of Sciences (12 November 2020, Budapest, Hungary)

Pandemic and Society - virus, vaccines and herd immunity - Milton Friedman University (2 February 2021, Budapest, Hungary (online))

Eurasian Summit for Models of Society (3 March 2021, Tokyo, Japan (online))

CIVICA Tour d’Europe, Bocconi University (18 March 2021, Milano, Italy (online))

EduVital Lecture Series, Semmelweis Medical University (31 March 2021, Budapest, Hungary (online))

AccelNet-Multinet Workshop - Networks 2021 Satellite (1 July 2021, Bloomington, IN, USA (online))

Computational Social Science, CCS 2021 Satellite (27 October 2021, Lyon, France)

CONFERENCE TALKS (peer-reviewed, presented by MK)

Non-equilibrium phase transitions on complex networks. Day of Statistical Physics 2006 (22 March 2006, Budapest, Hungary)

Ferromagnetic Random Bond Potts model on scale-free network in the limit of an infinite number of state. Journées de Physique Statistique 2007 (25-26 January 2007, Paris, France)

Rounding of first-order phase transitions and optimal cooperation in scale-free networks. The 32nd Conference of the Middle European Cooperation in Statistical Physics (16-18 April 2007, Ladek Zdrój, Poland),

Non-equilibrium phase transitions and finite-size scaling in weighted scale-free networks. Journées de Physique Statistique 2008 (24-25 January 2008, Paris, France)

Density of critical clusters in strips of strongly disordered systems. Day of Statistical Physics 2008 (19 March 2008, Budapest, Hungary)

Density of critical clusters in strips of strongly disordered systems. The 33rd Conference of the Middle European Cooperation in Statistical Physics (14-16 April 2008, Puchberg/Wels, Austria)

Rounding of first-order phase transitions and optimal cooperation in scale-free networks. International Workshop on Challenges and Visions in the Social Science (18-23 August 2008, ETH-Zürich, Switzerland)

Non-equilibrium dynamics of the triangular antiferromagnetic Ising model at zero temperature. Day of Statistical Physics 2009 (16 April 2009, Budapest, Hungary)

Dynamics and temporal correlations in mobile phone based social networks. NetMob-NetSci 2010 – International School and Conference on Network Science  (11 May 2010, MIT Cambridge, Boston, MA, USA)

Timescales in evolving mobile networks. NetMob-NetSci 2010 – International School and Conference on Network Science (11 May 2010, MIT Cambridge, Boston, MA, USA)

Small but slow world. Physics Days 2011 – Annual meeting of the Scandinavian Physics Society (29-31 March 2011, Helsinki, Finland)

How network topology and burstiness slow down spreading. Conference on Applications of Network Theory  (7-9 April 2011, Stockholm, Sweden)

Correlated bursty behaviour on human communication. NetSci2011 – Spreading, Influencing and Cascading in Social and Information Networks Satellite  (6-10 June 2011, Budapest, Hungary)

Correlated dynamics in egocentric communication networks. Aalto Complex Networks Factory – (4-8 June 2012, Porvoo, Finland)

Spatiotemporal correlations of handset-based service usage. Connect1ons 2012 (December 17, 2012, MIT Media Lab, Cambridge, MA, USA)

Time-varying networks and the weakness of strong tie. NetMob 2013 (May 1-3, 2013, MIT Media Lab, Boston, MA, USA)

Adoption Dynamics of Online Communication Networks. TDNet 2013 (June 3-4, 2013, Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen, Denmark)

Time-varying networks and the weakness of strong tie. NetSci 2013 (June 5-7, 2013, Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen, Denmark)

A new measure to detect global bridges. TopoNets’14 – NetSci’14 Satellite (June 2, University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA)

Data-driven spreading for the detection of weak ties. ECCS’14 (23 September, Lucca, Italy)

Socioeconomic correlations in communication networks. NetMob’15 (8 April, MIT MediaLab, Cambridge, MA, USA)

The anatomy of online adoption spreading. NetSci’15 (5 June, Zaragoza, Spain)

Complex contagion process in spreading of online innovation. ICCSS’15 (9 June, Helsinki, Finland)

Socioeconomic correlations in social communication networks. ICCSS’15 (11 June, Helsinki, Finland)

Structure and dynamics of online service adoption spreading. COMPLENET’16 (30 March 2016, Dijon, France)

Socioeconomic Correlations and Stratification in Social Communication Networks. NetSci’16 (1 June 2016, Seoul, Korea)

Kinetics of Social Contagion. STATPHYS26 (22 June 2016, Lyon, France)

Correlations of consumption patterns in social-economic networks. IEEE/ACM ASONAM (21 August 2016, San Francisco CA)

Higher-order correlations of consumption patterns in social-economic networks. CCS 2016 (19 September 2016, Amsterdam, The Netherlands)

Higher-order correlations of consumption patterns in social-economic networks. NetMob’17 (5-7 April 2017, Milano, Italy)

All at once: a global representation of δt-connected time-respecting paths in temporal networks. CCS 2017 (17-22 September 2017, Cancún, Mexico)

Not all friends are equal: How heterogeneous social influence promotes or hinders behavioural cascades in complex networks. CCS 2017 (17-22 September 2017, Cancún, Mexico)

Socioeconomic dependencies of linguistic patterns in Twitter: a multivariate analysis. WWW’18 The Web Conference (23-27 April 2018, Lyon, France)

Threshold driven contagion on multiplex networks. NetSci’18 (11-15 June 2018, Paris, France)

Prediction of socioeconomic status in Twitter via network and language. NetSci’18 (11-15 June 2018, Paris, France)

Linguistic and social network coevolution: joint analysis of heterogenous sources of information in Twitter. NetSci’18 (11-15 June 2018, Paris, France)

Socioeconomic and network dependencies of linguistic patterns in Twitter. IC2S2’18 (July 12-15, Evanston,  IL, USA)

Socioeconomic status inference in Twitter via network and language. CCS’18 (24-28 September 2018, Thessaloniki, Greece)

Multiple phase transitions in threshold driven contagion on multiplex networks. CCS’18 (24-28 September 2018, Thessaloniki, Greece)

Optimal Proxy Selection for Socioeconomic Status Inference, Network Science for Social Goods - NetSci’19 satellite (27-31 May 2019, Burlington, VT, USA)

Reentrant phase transitions in complex contagion on multiplex networks, NetSci’19 (27-31 May 2019, Burlington, VT, USA)

Socioeconomic inequalities and their consequences on network formation and purchase behaviour, IC2S2 - 5th International Conference on Computational Social Science (17-20 July 2019, Amsterdam, The Netherlands)

Remotely sensed socioeconomic correlations of urban patterns, IC2S2 - 6th International Conference on Computational Social Science (17-20 July 2019, Boston, United States / online)

Reentrant phase transitions in complex contagion on multiplex networks, MECO 45, 45th Middle European Cooperation In Statistical Physics (14-16 September 2020, Cluj Napoca, Romania / online)

Joint embedding of network structure and node features via graph convolutional networks, NetSci’20 (17-25 September 2020, Rome, Italy / online)

Age contact matrix reconstruction from online and representative samples, CCS 2020 (4-11 December, 2020, Thessaloniki, Greece / online)

Age contact matrix reconstruction from online and representative samples. Networks 2021 (5-10 July 2021, Bloomington, IN, USA (online))

yrCSS Warm-up Meeting, CCS 2021 (23 October 2021, Lyon, France)

Computational Social Science, CCS 2021 Satellite (27 October 2021, Lyon, France)

Accelnet-Multinet Seminar (6 May 2022, Online)

Lake Como School of Advanced Studies - Complex Networks (May 2022, Como, Italy)

Tea Seminar Series, MIT Media Lab (May 28, Cambridge, MA, USA)

NetSI Seminar Series, Northeastern University (May 29, Boston, MA, USA)

CIVICA Research Conference, Central European University (September 1, Budapest, Hungary)

Covid Crisis Lab Seminar - Bocconi University (September 26, Milano, Italy)

CITIES Symposium - New York University Abu Dhabi (November 20-22, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates)

Memorial Workshop for Pr. Iván Gyémánt (November 25 2022, Szeged, Hungary)

Accelnet-Multinet Seminar (17 April 2023, Online)

Digital Humanism Workshop - Complexity Science Hub (15 May 2023, Vienna, Austria)

Tudomány Ünnepe - Symposium of the Statistical Physics Division of the MTA (22 May 2023, Budapest, Hungary)

Data for the Wellbeing of the Most Vulnerable - ICWSM 2023 (5 June 2023, Limassol, Cyprus)

Lecturer at the Complexity72h Workshop and summer school (26 June 2023, Palma de Mallorca, Spain)

Network science meets digital history and prosopography - NetSci’23 satellite (11 July 2023, Vienna, Austria)

Parenthood in Academy - NetSci’23 panel (12 July 2023, Vienna, Austria)

CX seminar - Aalto University (29 August 2023, Espoo, Finland)

Symposium of the Dutch Network Science Society Chapter (Keynote) (31 August 2023, Delft, The Netherlands)

Lecture and Seminar at the Theoretical Physics Department, University of Saarland (23 November 2023, Saarbruecken, Germany)

NetSLO - Symposium of the Slovenian Network Science Society Chapter (Keynote) (25 January 2024, Ljubljana, Slovenia)

Accelnet-Multinet Seminar (14 May 2024, Online)

ManMax: Managing the Prince. Hidden Actors and the Prosopography of Pre-modern Rulership (23-25 May 2024, Vienna, Austria)

Infectious Diseases and Socioeconomic Determinants Workshop (19-20 November 2024, Torino, Italy)

IMMUNE Workshop on Epidemics and Behaviour (21-22 November 2024, Milano, Italy)

Social Data Science Summer School (Keynote) (25-29 November 2024, Cordoba, Argentina)


Patchy communication.

Nature 482, 7384 (2012)

A new model for our ‘bursty behavior’.

NEU News (by Angela Herring) – 14 May, 2012

Bursty behaviour found to have similar features across complex systems.

Aalto News – 1 June, 2012 – 1 June, 2012

CampusChannel – TV interview about the ENS Lyon Complex Networks Master 2 program.

YouTube – 27 December, 2014

Modéliser les dynamiques des réseaux #pandémie.

Annual journal of CNRS en Rhône Auvergne (2015)

Skype data of 500 million people reveals the real patterns of social adoption

ENS Lyon News – 24 June 2016

Aalto News – 29 June 2016 – 29 June 2016

Science Daily – 29 June 2016

Science Newsline – 29 June 2016

Alpha Galileo – 29 June 2016

Cornell University News – 29 June 2016

L’entre-soi social confirmé par les big data

Le Monde – 25 January 2017

Quand le big data s’intéresse aux riches

France Inter (radio interview) – 25 January 2017

Interactional and informational attention on Twitter, Cover page of the MDPI journal Information, Volume 10, Issue 8, 2019

Radio interview with Márk Hegedűs, Európa Rádió, Tallózó, 04/29/2020

Magyar Narancs, Próba szerencse, report with Teczárd Szilárd, 07/05/2020

Radio interview with Farkas Beatrix, Karc FM, Spájz, 13/05/2020

Radio interview with Márk Hegedűs, 29/04/2020, Európa Rádió, Tallózó, 08/09/2020

Radio Interview with Simon-Pavlov Judit, Kérdőjel?, Karc FM, 09/09/2020

Interview with, 24/09/2020

CEU’s Márton Karsai to Speak on Epidemic Modeling in the 2020 Celebration of Hungarian Science

CEU News release, 30/11/2020

Radio interview, Kovács Ádám Hangpostája, Tilos Rádió, 19/11/2020 Using deep learning to infer the socioeconomic status of people in different urban areas

Most Hungarians Would Not Vaccinate Themselves Against COVID. Interview on Telex (independent Hungarian news portal), 20/10/2020

Radio interview, Bonyolult dolgok, Klub Rádió, 21/01/2021

CEU Department of Network and Data Science Research Contributes to Pandemic Response on Multiple Fronts, CEU News release, 23/02/2021

CEU News - CEU Department of Network and Data Science Research Contributes to Pandemic      Response on Multiple Fronts 23/02/2021

Cover article in 28/02/2021

Cover article in 19/02/2021

Cover article in 19/02/2021

Cover article in 19/02/2021

An Alliance That Spreads Ideas, CIVICA, 27/9/2022

Radio interview, Reggeli Gyors, Klubrádió, 9/5/2023

Határtalan Tudás Egyeteme - Public talk and panel, CEU, 10/5/2023

Beyond the Code - Public panel on AI Ethics, Sziget Festival 12/8/2023